Masters in Endoscopy Series Part-1: Current Gaps and Risk Stratification in Barrett’s Esophagus

Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 7 pm ET


The Masters in Endoscopy program is held exclusively through EndoscopyNow and may be attended on the app or on your computer. The content is intended for Gastroenterologists, Endoscopists, Surgeons, Nurses and other professional medical staff. After the presentation there will be a Q&A segment.

Register for the event on the EndoscopyNow app
. From the event page, Tap the “SIGN UP” button to open and complete the registration form. NOTE: Register using the active email for your Zoom account.  Once your registration is approved, you will receive an email confirming your approval with links and information on how to attend the webinar. We look forward to having you participate.

To view the event on the EndoscopyNow app, tap the “ATTEND” icon. Please be sure to have the zoom app installed on your mobile device. If you choose to view the event on desktop you will need to be signed-in to your zoom account using the link in your email. If you need to install or sign up for Zoom please visit their website HERE.

Update the EndoscopyNow app to the most current version – download new versions from

the App Store 


or Google Play.